Website Documentation / How To Set Up Sessions /

Session Prerequisites

  1. Current valid depends strings
    1. anylinux
    2. ardide
    3. cli
    4. docker
    5. ghidra
    6. htb
    7. kali
    8. pyselenium
    9. thm
  2. Adding new depends strings

You can indicate that members should have specific prerequisites before attending the session. To use this functionality, set the depends property to a list of strings from the list below.

Current valid depends strings


Session will use Linux, but no specific distro is required. Links to the Kali setup tutorial for the benefit of those who do not already have access to a Linux machine.


Session will use the Arduino IDE.


Session requires participants to be comfortable using the Linux command line


Session will use Docker.


Session will use Ghidra.


Participants will need an account on Hack The Box.


Participants will need a Kali Linux virtual machine.


Session will use Python and Selenium.


Participants will need an account on Try Hack Me.

Adding new depends strings

Each available string for the depends property is the name of a subdirectory of the content/prereqs directory. Each subdirectory needs to contain two files: