
While we strongly encourage participants in the society to buy a membership, it's important that interested individuals have the opportunity to trial a session before joining. To that end, we offer one free session a year to non-members.

Our regular sessions are hosted in person and streamed on Blackboard Collaborate, every Monday at 18:00 - 19:30 (ish). Members will be given access to our Blackboard Collaborate Organisation, from which they can view all sessions and recordings.

For step by step instructions on accessing our sessions and recordings, click here.

Please bring a laptop to all sessions unless said otherwise. If you are not able to, please speak to someone on the committee.


13 May 2024Lock Picking

Presented by Echo
Location: Diamond - Computer Room 5, 6pm - 7:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

Lock picking and physical pen testing

session slides

29 Apr 2024Email Security

Presented by Echo
Location: Diamond - Computer Room 5, 6pm - 7:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

Learning about email security and phishing.

session slides

15 Apr 2024CTF Practice

Presented by Echo
Location: Diamond - Computer Room 5, 6pm - 7:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

CTF Practice, preparing our team for the CTF in London, and putting what we've learned to pracice.

18 Mar 2024Guest Speaker - Being a pentester/red teamer & AGM

Presented by Jack Barradell-Johns
Location: Diamond - Computer Room 5, 6pm - 7:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

Penetration testing involves simulating an attack on a system and is a key part of cyber security. This talk from a former Sheffield student about the experiences and perspective of a pentester/red teamer will be useful both for people looking to go into security as well as people involved in creating and developing systems software as it will need to be secure. Our AGM will also be held at this meeting.

PDF session slides

11 Mar 2024Cryptography

Presented by Echo
Location: Diamond - Computer Room 5, 6pm - 7:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

We will be looking at cryptography. We'll look at some old methods and more modern cryptography, how it works, where its used, and how it can be broken.

PDF session slides

04 Mar 2024Docker

Presented by SESH and CompSoc
Location: Diamond - Computer Room 5, 6pm - 7:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

Containerisation is a very commonly used technology in industry for both infrastructure and software development. Join us and CompSoc as we teach you about what Docker is and how to use it.

PDF session slides

26 Feb 2024Enterprise Wifi and eduroam

Presented by James
Location: Diamond - Computer Room 5, 6pm - 7:30pm
Difficulty: Medium

Enterpise Wifi networks (such as govroam, eduroam and many intra-organisation ones) provide seemless internet access across buildings for many users. We learn about the strenghts and weaknesses of these including a practical (in person only). It will be beneficial to have Linux on bare metal (including dual boot).

PDF session slides

19 Feb 2024Tor and Anonymity

Presented by James
Location: Diamond - Computer Room 5, 6pm - 7:30pm
Difficulty: Medium

Take a look at how anonymous you are on the internet and real life, look at some solutions such as TOR and do a practical to assess its effectiveness.

PDF session slides

12 Feb 2024Linux Security

Presented by Atri
Location: Diamond - Computer Room 5, 6pm - 7:30pm
Difficulty: Medium

Linux Security

PDF session slides

20 Nov 2023Bounty Hunting

Presented by Abdelrhman
Location: Diamond - Workroom 2, 6pm - 7:30pm
Difficulty: Medium

This week we will be doing a session on bounty hunting. We'll cover getting set up, where to start, and we'll look at scope and the importance of it.

PDF session slides

13 Nov 2023WiFi

Presented by James
Location: Diamond - Workroom 2, 6pm - 7:30pm
Difficulty: Medium

We will be learning about WiFi and then have a go at hacking an access point.

PDF session slides

06 Nov 2023Password Cracking

Presented by Echo
Location: Hicks - LT 10, 6pm - 7:30pm
Difficulty: Medium

Looking at password cracking and how to find plaintext passwords from hashes or various services.

PDF session slides

30 Oct 2023BadUSB

Presented by James
Location: Diamond - Workroom 2, 6pm - 7:30pm
Difficulty: Easy


PDF session slides

23 Oct 2023DS Damian Speare "Policing in the Digital Age"

Presented by DS Damian Speare
Location: Diamond - Workroom 2, 6pm - 7:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

Damian Speare: "Policing in the Digital Age" Guest talk covering the implications around the digital revolution on policing. Includes year in industry and career opportunities from the Yorkshire & Humber Regional Organised Crime Unit.

PDF session slides

16 Oct 2023Enumeration & EGM

Presented by James
Location: Diamond - Workroom 2, 6pm - 7:30pm
Difficulty: Medium

Enumeration/Reconnaissance & EGM

PDF session slides

Software / Link Requirements (These will need to be installed or registered prior to the Session)

Kali Linux (Linux Distro)
Virtualbox (Virtual Machine Software)

09 Oct 2023OSINT

Presented by James & Luca
Location: Diamond - Workroom 2, 6pm - 7:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

Open Source Intelligence is using publicly available services to collect information about a group or individual. It is an invaluable skill that is the starting point for many attacks as well as being used to find large amounts of accidentally exposed data.

PDF session slides

02 Oct 2023Linux Introduction

Presented by Atri
Location: Diamond - Workroom 2, 6pm - 7:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

Linux skills and knowledge are very important for security as well as most aspects of computer science. We will cover that as well as begin to touch on linux security.

PDF session slides

25 Sep 2023Web Hacking

Presented by James
Location: Diamond - Workroom 2, 6pm - 7:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

Our first session of the year will be on web hacking where we will cover some basic web exploits. Please remember to bring a laptop along to have a go at using some of what you have learnt.

PDF session slides

22 Sep 2023GIAG - Introduction to Hacking - PGT

Presented by James
Location: North Campus PC Room, 10am - 12pm
Difficulty: Easy

We are looking forward to seeing some of you at our PGT Give It a Go session.

PDF session slides

20 Sep 2023GIAG - Introduction to Hacking

Presented by James
Location: Pam Liversidge Building - Design Studio 1 which is on Floor D, 4pm - 5:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

We are looking forward to seeing some of you at our Give It a Go session at 4pm today. It will be in Pam Liversidge Building - Design Studio 1 which is on Floor D. Please remember to bring a laptop if you have one and we look forward to seeing you there! (Tickets are free on the SU website.)

PDF session slides

2022-23 Semester 2

24 Apr 2023AGM + Email Security

Presented by James
Location: Diamond Workroom 3, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

Today is our AGM plus a session from James on email security

session slides

27 Mar 2023CTF Prep

Presented by Mac
Location: Online, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

Today's session will be on preparation for the CTF - we'll look at some challenges from last year and have a quick intro to reverse engineering, so try to download Ghidra ( beforehand

session slides

06 Mar 2023Cryptography

Presented by Atri and Ella
Location: Diamond - Workroom 1, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

Join us for a session on cryptography and discover the art of encryption. Explore the techniques used to secure information and gain insight into the world of code-breaking before our visit to Bletchley. This session is open to all members of SESH, CompSoc and SWICS.

PDF session slides

27 Feb 2023Web Hacking Part 3

Presented by Mac
Location: Hicks Building F28, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

More advanced web hacking including deserialisation, NoSQL injection, and some cool supply chain attacks.

PDF session slides

20 Feb 2023Active Directory

Presented by James & Ayyub
Location: Bartolome House BB15a, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

An estimated 90% of the Global Fortune 1000 use Active Directory. Learn how it works, what its weaknesses are and have ago at exploiting what makes up most companies core infrastructure.

20 Feb 2023Windows Security

Presented by James & Ayyub
Location: Bartolome House BB15a, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

An estimated 90% of the Global Fortune 1000 use Active Directory. Learn how it works, what its weaknesses are and have ago at exploiting what makes up most companies core infrastructure.

PDF session slides

13 Feb 2023Windows Security

Presented by Mac & Atri
Location: Diamond - Workroom 1, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

We'll teach you some theory and crucial commands, then test some exploits old and new, including Follina, Eternal Blue, and Potato Attacks

PDF session slides

06 Feb 2023Web Hacking Extras

Presented by Sam & Atri
Location: Arts Tower - Lecture Theatre 5, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

Some new web attacks and DVWA

PDF session slides

2022-23 Semester 1

05 Dec 2022Xmas CTF 🎅

Presented by Mac
Location: Diamond Theatre 9, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

We have a fun mini-CTF for you for our last session of the semester. Christmas jumpers encouraged! Sign up for a account and login to our room at:

28 Nov 2022Hack the Box - RedPanda

Presented by Mac
Location: Diamond Theatre 8, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Hard

We will be doing a Hack the Box machine (RedPanda) which is still available on free tier HacktheBox but has retired. You'll need an account at This is a great session for practicing and recapping all the skills from this semester, and will ship with slides summarising everything we've done so far

pdf session slides

21 Nov 2022Networking & Hacking Practice

Presented by Mac + Atri
Location: Hicks Lecture Theatre 10, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Medium

This week we'll take you over some important networking concepts and let you apply them to a hacking challenge! You can practice your enumeration, shell popping, and SSH tunneling skills before we do our first boot2root next week.

pdf session slides

14 Nov 2022AWS Workshop with CompSoc

Presented by James + Felix
Location: Diamond LT8 (1st Floor), 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

AWS (Amazon Web Services) provides on-demand cloud computing platforms and APIs to individuals and companies. Learning how to utilise them (and cloud services in general) is extremely beneficial both for your career and personal development. We will cover S3, static pages with S3, EC2, how to host a website on EC2 and how to do all this securely.

pdf session slides

07 Nov 2022Linux Security

Presented by Mac
Location: Diamond Workroom 1, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Medium

Exploring what weaknesses there are in the linux operating system and how we can harden it to prevent attacks.

pdf session slides

Fundamental Skills


31 Oct 2022Initial Access & Shells

Presented by Mac
Location: Diamond Workroom 1, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Medium

This week we will be popping and catching shells!

pdf session slides

24 Oct 2022BadUSB

Presented by James
Location: Bartolome House, Seminar Room DB13, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

This week we will be learning how you can instantly exploit in-person targets using hardware. We will be programming DigiSparks to emulate a keyboard in order to automate tasks, exploit targets and learn how these types of attacks can be mitigated or prevented.

pdf session slides

Software / Link Requirements (These will need to be installed or registered prior to the Session)

Arduino IDE

17 Oct 2022EGM and Enumeration

Presented by Mac Goodwin & James
Location: Diamond, Workroom 1, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

This week's session will be on Enumeration. This will go over some of the most common tools and services and will be an interactive session which will use Hack The Box, and will require prior setup. There is also an EGM this week which will take place for the final half hour.

pdf session slides

Fundamental Skills


Dependent Sessions (Recap may be needed)

Linux Introduction (Basic Linux Skills, mandatory)

Software / Link Requirements (These will need to be installed or registered prior to the Session)

Kali Linux (Linux Distro)
Parrot OS (Linux Distro)
Hack The Box (Register an account)
VMWare (Virtual Machine Software)
Virtualbox (Virtual Machine Software)

10 Oct 2022Guest Talk from YHROCU

Presented by DS Damian Speare
Location: Diamond, Workroom 1, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

Come along to our first guest talk of the year and find out about the work of the Yorkshire and Humber Regional Organised Crime Unit (YHROCU) and their internship opportunities.

03 Oct 2022Intro to Linux

Presented by James Lawford & Mac Goodwin
Location: Hicks Building, Room K14, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

An introduction to Unix-based operating systems and the tools you will use as an ethical hacker A linux instance is not required as we are using SSH as it is a beginner session, but if you have it already any distro is fine.

PDF session slides

Fundamental Skills


Software / Link Requirements (These will need to be installed or registered prior to the Session)

VMWare (Optional / Not Required)
Virtualbox (Optional / Not Required)

26 Sep 2022Intro to Hacking and Web Hacking

Presented by Sebastian Southwell & Mac Goodwin
Location: TBD, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

Our first session on web hacking methodologies, tools, and simple attacks.

PDF session slides

Fundamental Skills


21 Sep 2022Give it a Go 2021 - Intro to Hacking & Caesar Cipher

Presented by Mac & James
Location: Hicks Building - Lecture Theatre 4, 2pm - 4pm
Difficulty: Easy

Our Web Hacking Give it a Go session, where we'll teach you some basic Web Application attacks and methodologies!

PDF session slides

Fundamental Skills

Recognising Common Encodings.png

20 Sep 2022Meet our Societies Talk (with DCS)

Presented by Mac Goodwin
Location: Various, Various across 20th + 21st September - check your intro week timetable
Difficulty: Easy

Our introduction to the society, including our goals for the year. Made for the Department of Computer Science intro week talks for students in Intro Week.

PDF session slides

2021-22 Semester 2

09 May 2022Blue Teamers's viewpoint

Presented by John
Location: TBD, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: TBD

2nd part of a 2 session series on Red and Blue teaming. Watch a certified Blue teamer discover how the red teamer compromised the system, tools for logging and post-compromise response.

02 May 2022Red Teamers's viewpoint

Presented by Jack
Location: TBD, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: TBD

1st part of a 2 session series on Red and Blue teaming. Watch an OSCP certified penetration tester exploit an application, see how they discover vulnerabilities and compromise the target.

25 Apr 2022Tor, Cryptocurrencies, & AGM

Presented by Vlad & Nicki
Location: TBD, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Medium

We talk about anonymising technologies, and elect next year's committee

PDF session slides

04 Apr 2022HTB Session

Presented by TBD
Location: TBD, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: TBD

TBC - we may run a HTB session over Easter if people are interested

Dependent Sessions (Recap may be needed)

Hack The Box

28 Mar 2022CTF Preparation Session

Presented by Mac and Seb
Location: Diamond Workroom 1, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

We'll teach you everything you need to know about Capture the Flag competitions, ahead of our GroceryTF CTF challenge this weekend!

PDF session slides

Dependent Sessions (Recap may be needed)

CTF Competition can include anything from previous year

21 Mar 2022Advanced Web Hacking

Presented by TBD
Location: TBD, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: TBD

We'll be learning about some more complex exploits, such as Server-Side Template Injection, Server-Side Request Forgery, Remote File Inclusion, and more to prepare you for the CTF!

PDF session slides

Dependent Sessions (Recap may be needed)

Intro to Web Hacking

14 Mar 2022Cryptography

Presented by Rong
Location: Diamond Workroom 2, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: TBD

Learn the basic theory of cryptography and run some attacks against RSA, hashes, and more!

PDF session slides

07 Mar 2022WiFi Hacking

Presented by Vlad Cranga
Location: Diamond Workroom 2, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Medium

This session covers Wi-Fi security, various attacks and tools, and practising password cracking. New to the society? Come to your first session for free, just message a committee member!

PDF session slides

28 Feb 2022Mike Jones RFID

Presented by Mike Jones
Location: BlackBoard, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

Mike Jones, a reformed ex-anonymous hacker, will be demonstrating how we can use RF (Radio Frequency) to exfiltrate data. The session will be on BlackBoard and will require a membership to join. New to the society? Come to your first session for free, just message a committee member!

PDF session slides

21 Feb 2022BadUSB

Presented by Nick
Location: Diamond Workroom 2, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

Instantly exploit in-person targets using hot pluggable attacks with a BadUSB. We will be programming DigiSparks to emulate a keyboard in order to automate tasks and exploit targets!

PDF session slides

Dependent Sessions (Recap may be needed)

Social Engineering (Related Topic)

Software / Link Requirements (These will need to be installed or registered prior to the Session)

Arduino IDE

14 Feb 2022Active Directory

Presented by Mac
Location: Diamond Workroom 2, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Medium

A look at the most common corporate network infrastructure, and how to break it! This is an info-packed session, and you may find it easier to follow if you've looked at our Reconnaisance, Shells, OS Security and Privilege Escalation sessions - but you should be fine without!

PDF session slides

Dependent Sessions (Recap may be needed)

Linux Introduction (Basic Linux Skills, mandatory)
OS Security Session
Reconnaisance Session
Shells Session
Privilege Escalation Session

Software / Link Requirements (These will need to be installed or registered prior to the Session)

Kali Linux (Recommended Distro)

07 Feb 2022Recap and TryHackMe

Presented by Mac & Seb
Location: Online, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

A quick recap of last semester and a fun TryHackMe Boot2Root

PDF session slides

Dependent Sessions (Recap may be needed)

Recap Session, goes over basics of last semester

2021-22 Semester 1

13 Dec 2021Holiday Hackers

Presented by Mac, Nick, Nicki, Vlad, Seb
Location: TBD, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Medium


06 Dec 2021Hack the Box

Presented by TBD
Location: TBD, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Medium


29 Nov 2021Privilege Escalation

Presented by Seb, Mac, Nicki, Nick
Location: TBD, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Medium

Come and learn Windows and Linux local enumeration and privilege escalation

PDF session slides

Dependent Sessions (Recap may be needed)

Linux Introduction (Basic Linux Skills are mandatory)
Reverse Shells to gain access to a system for escalation

22 Nov 2021Shells

Presented by Mac & Nick
Location: Diamond Workroom 1, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Medium

Kali VM recommended, as well as TryHackMe account. Linux Command Line Fundamental Skills will be useful!

PDF session slides

Dependent Sessions (Recap may be needed)

Linux Introduction (Basic Linux Skills are mandatory)

Software / Link Requirements (These will need to be installed or registered prior to the Session)

Kali Linux

15 Nov 2021Docker (CompSoc Collab)

Presented by Nick, Felix, and Mac
Location: Diamond Workroom 1, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

PDF session slides

Dependent Sessions (Recap may be needed)

Linux Introduction (Basic Linux Skills, would be handy)

Software / Link Requirements (These will need to be installed or registered prior to the Session)


08 Nov 2021Reconnaissance

Presented by Seb & Vlad
Location: Arts Tower LT06, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Easy


PDF session slides

Dependent Sessions (Recap may be needed)

Linux Introduction (Basic Linux Skills, would be handy)

Software / Link Requirements (These will need to be installed or registered prior to the Session)

Kali Linux (Recommended Distro)

01 Nov 2021Social Engineering

Presented by Nicki
Location: TBD, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Easy


PDF session slides

25 Oct 2021Operating System Security

Presented by Mac and Nick
Location: Hick's Building LT05, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Medium

Exploring how we can harden Windows and Linux operating systems from attacks.

PDF session slides

Dependent Sessions (Recap may be needed)

Linux Introduction (Basic Linux Skills, would be handy)

Software / Link Requirements (These will need to be installed or registered prior to the Session)

Kali Linux (Recommended Distro)

18 Oct 2021Yorkshire & Humber Regional Organised Crime Unit talk

Presented by DS Spinks
Location: Hicks Building LT05, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

DS Spinks will be giving you an insight into fighting Cyber Crime and will be talking about a year in industry placement opportunity.

11 Oct 2021Automation in Cyber Security

Presented by Mac and Seb
Location: Arts Tower workroom 3, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

Automation in cyber security.

PDF session slides

Software / Link Requirements (These will need to be installed or registered prior to the Session)

Kali Linux (Recommended Linux Distro, any distro however is fine)

04 Oct 2021Intro to Web Hacking

Presented by Nicki Ridsdale, Sebastian Southwell
Location: Arts Tower workroom 3, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

Our first session on web hacking methodologies, tools, and simple attacks.

PDF session slides

30 Sep 2021Intro to Linux

Presented by Nick Ruffles, Vlad Cranga
Location: SU Gallery Room 3, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

A GIAG session that aims to give a quick introduction to Linux the power that it holds.

PDF session slides

Software / Link Requirements (These will need to be installed or registered prior to the Session)

Kali Linux (Recommended Distro)

29 Sep 2021Give it a Go 2021 - Web Hacking

Presented by Nicki & Mac
Location: SU Gallery Room 3, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

Our Web Hacking Give it a Go session, where we'll teach you some basic Web Application attacks and methodologies!

PDF session slides

20 Sep 2021Meet our Societies Talk (with DCS)

Presented by Nick Ruffles
Location: TBD, 7pm - 8:30pm
Difficulty: Easy

Our introduction to the society, including our goals for the year. Made for the Department of Computer Science intro week talks

PDF session slides

2020-21 Semester 2

17 May 2021🏴󠁢󠁳󠁢󠁹󠁿 Raspberry Pi CTF 🏴󠁢󠁳󠁢󠁹󠁿

Presented by Mac Goodwin
Location: BlackBoard, 6pm - 8pm
Difficulty: Hard

Our bakery-themed CTF, featuring challenges for players of all skill levels, and a chance to win a Raspberry Pi and a SESH hoodie!

PPTX session slides or PDF session slides

10 May 2021📡 Wifi Sniffing 📡

Presented by Brooks Rady
Location: BlackBoard, 6pm - 8pm
Difficulty: Medium

An exploration of the airwaves! Come along to learn some Wireshark snooping, MAC spoofing, and WiFi cracking.

PDF session slides

03 May 20219️0️ Binary Exploitation 9️0️

Presented by Jack Barradell
Location: BlackBoard, 6pm - 8pm
Difficulty: Hard

A look into reverse engineering and modifying binaries.

PPTX session slides or PDF session slides

26 Apr 2021👨‍💻 Mike Jones Anonymous talk 👨‍💻

Presented by Mike Jones
Location: BlackBoard, 6pm - 8pm
Difficulty: Easy

Mike Jones, a reformed ex-member of the Anonymous hacking group talks about his experiences! You won't want to miss this talk

PDF session slides

19 Apr 2021🗳️ AGM 🗳️

Presented by Nick, Chloe and Sohyun
Location: BlackBoard, 6pm - 8pm
Difficulty: Easy

Vote for the next committee members!

22 Mar 2021🎮 Game Breaking 🎮

Presented by Nick
Location: BlackBoard, 6pm - 8pm
Difficulty: Hard

A quick dive into reverse engineering games and making them misbehave. You might want to brush up on your assembly for this one.

PPTX session slides or PDF session slides

15 Mar 2021🗔 Web app hacking 🗔

Presented by Mac
Location: BlackBoard, 6pm - 8pm
Difficulty: Medium

A deeper dive into some web hacking techniques covered in first semester, and some brand new ones - from SSTI to Deserialisation!

PPTX session slides or PDF session slides

08 Mar 2021🏁 Making a CTF 🏁

Presented by Nicola
Location: BlackBoard, 6pm - 8pm
Difficulty: Medium

A guide to creating and deploying a Capture the Flag challenge using AWS and Flask!

pptx session slides or PDF session slides

01 Mar 2021🚶 HTB Walkthrough 🚶

Presented by ???
Location: BlackBoard, 6pm - 8pm
Difficulty: Medium

A walkthrough of the Academy machine on HTB.

22 Feb 2021👩‍💻 Intro to Assembly 👩‍💻

Presented by Nick and Brooks
Location: BlackBoard, 6pm - 8pm
Difficulty: Medium

An overview of assembly code & computer memory, and a couple of demos!

PPTX session slides or PDF session slides

15 Feb 2021📧 Social Engineering 📧

Presented by Nicola
Location: BlackBoard, 6pm - 8pm
Difficulty: Easy

Focussing mainly on phishing, this session will show you techniques used for launching an effective phishing campaign and then how to best prevent one.

PPTX session slides or PDF session slides

08 Feb 2021🕵🏼 Online Anonymity 🕵🏼

Presented by Mac and Brooks
Location: BlackBoard, 6pm - 8pm
Difficulty: Easy

A look at the technologies behind VPNs and Tor, their vulnerabilities, and how to setup your own.

PPTX session slides or PDF session slides

2020-21 Semester 1

14 Dec 2020🎅 Holiday Hackery?! 🎅

Presented by ???
Location: BlackBoard, 6pm - 8pm
Difficulty: Medium

Our final session of the semester! We'll tackle TryHackMe's advent of cyber challenges in a laid-back session, and there may even be some prizes up for grabs...

PPTX session slides or PDF session slides

07 Dec 2020🔓 Hack The Box 🔓

Presented by Mac & Brooks
Location: BlackBoard, 6pm - 8pm
Difficulty: Medium

Put your skills to the test! Drawing together everything you’ve learned from throughout the semester, join our committee in an applied hacking challenge from Hack The Box. Come ready to contribute ideas or even with your own machine to follow along!

PPTX session slides or PDF session slides

30 Nov 2020🔎 Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) 🔎

Presented by Chloe & Sohyun
Location: BlackBoard, 6pm - 8pm
Difficulty: Easy

Open Source Intelligence and social engineering are often one of the most important parts of cyber attacks and defense. Join us to learn about various tools and take part in a CTF.

PPTX session slides or PDF session slides

23 Nov 2020␛ Privilege Escalation ␛

Presented by Sohyun
Location: BlackBoard, 6pm - 8pm
Difficulty: Medium

What would happen if a user can access the administrator control? This week, we will look into what privilege escalation is, what is the purpose of this attack and what are the ways of doing it. We will also explore some demos about getting root access on Linux.

PPTX session slides or PDF session slides

16 Nov 2020🧾 Enumeration 🧾

Presented by Mac & Nick
Location: BlackBoard, 6pm - 8pm
Difficulty: Easy

Dive into the world of enumeration - from discovering devices and services on a network and scoping out a way in, to finding paths for lateral movement and escalation vectors, we'll show you some of the most crucial tools and techniques.

PPTX session slides or PDF session slides

09 Nov 2020🐚 All the Shells! 🐚

Presented by Nick
Location: BlackBoard, 6pm - 8pm
Difficulty: Easy

This week we will be looking into the different kinds of shells that are available on Linux, what they do, how they work and how we can use them to gain access to remote machines. We will also be looking into port forwarding and the capabilities of Metasploit!

PPTX session slides or PDF session slides

02 Nov 2020🌐 Networking 🌐

Presented by Brooks
Location: BlackBoard, 6pm - 8pm
Difficulty: Medium

Hacking as a discipline wouldn’t really exist if you had to cart a keyboard with you to every machine you wanted to break into – computer networks enable remote machines to communicate with each other and make things like the Internet possible. This session will explore both the theory behind these networks and some of the practical tools for exploring and understanding them.

PPTX session slides or PDF session slides

26 Oct 2020🐍 Automation in Python 🐍

Presented by Mac
Location: BlackBoard, 6pm - 8pm
Difficulty: Easy

This week we’ll be looking at automation, one of the most crucial tools for cybersecurity; whether it’s repeating menial tasks, or rebuilding a common tool to understand how it works. We will take you over some tools we have written, and show you how they can be used on things like Juice Shop!

PPTX session slides or PDF session slides

19 Oct 2020👮 Guest Presentation - Yorkshire and Humber Regional Organised Crime Unit 👮

Presented by Guest Speaker Chris
Location: BlackBoard, 6pm - 8pm
Difficulty: Easy

Chris will be in this week to talk us through some of the career opportunities available with the police! Make sure to come along to this one to hear about an exciting area of work and make some new links with industry professionals! You can sign up with this link if you are not already a member. If you are a member, you should be able to see the room in Blackboard Collaborate.

PPTX session slides or PDF session slides

12 Oct 2020🧃 Juice Shop II 🧃

Presented by Nick
Location: BlackBoard, 6pm - 8pm
Difficulty: Easy

OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) Juice Shop is an intentionally vulnerable web application that shows off multiple common and advanced exploits that can appear in web applications. Learn how the vulnerabilities exist and how to exploit them yourself. This will be a more advanced follow up from the GIAG session.

PPTX session slides or PDF session slides

05 Oct 2020💻 Introduction to Linux 💻

Presented by Chloe & Brooks
Location: BlackBoard, 6pm - 8pm
Difficulty: Easy

Learn how to use the Linux terminal, a vital tool of developers and cybersecurity professionals alike. Control local and remote machines by mastering the fundamental commands and test your newfound skills by breaking into the Bandit machines hosted by OverTheWire.

PPTX session slides or PDF session slides

28 Sep 2020🧃 Juice Shop I (Give it a Go) 🧃

Presented by Nick & Mac
Location: BlackBoard, 6pm - 8pm
Difficulty: Easy

OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) Juice Shop is an intentionally vulnerable web application that shows off multiple common and advanced exploits that can appear in web applications. Learn how the vulnerabilities exist and how to exploit them yourself. More details here

PPTX session slides or PDF session slides


04 Nov 2019Linux part 2

Presented by John Richardson
Location: Diamond LT9,
Difficulty: Easy

PDF session slides

15 Oct 2019Linux part 1

Presented by John Richardson
Location: Diamond LT9,
Difficulty: Easy

PDF session slides

06 Oct 2019Private Investigations: Memory Forensics

Presented by John Richardson
Location: Diamond LT9,
Difficulty: Hard

PPTX session slides


18 Mar 2019Net Forensics

Presented by John Richardson
Location: Diamond LT9,
Difficulty: Medium

PDF session slides

04 Mar 2019Hack Back Revision

Presented by Jack Barradell
Location: Diamond LT9,
Difficulty: Medium

PDF session slides

24 Feb 2019Introduction to web hacking part 2

Presented by Jack Barradell
Location: Diamond LT9,
Difficulty: Easy

PDF session slides

24 Feb 2019Introductory to binary exploitation Part 2 Stack Overflows

Presented by Jack Barradell
Location: Diamond LT9,
Difficulty: Hard

PDF session slides

11 Feb 2019Introductory to binary exploitation Part 1 The Background

Presented by Jack Barradell
Location: Diamond LT9,
Difficulty: Medium

PDF session slides

09 Feb 2019Introduction to web hacking part 1

Presented by Jack Barradell
Location: Diamond LT9,
Difficulty: Easy

PDF session slides

09 Feb 2019Bitsquatting

Presented by Jack Barradell
Location: Diamond LT9,
Difficulty: Medium

PDF session slides

09 Feb 2019Cybertor

Presented by John Richardson
Location: Diamond LT9,
Difficulty: Medium

PDF session slides

09 Feb 2019Refreshers Recap

Presented by Jack Barradell
Location: Diamond LT9,
Difficulty: Easy

PDF session slides