Website Documentation /

Setting Up Random Pages

  1. Creating a random page
  2. Viewing the page

Occasionally you may want to just add a page to the website, which doesnt fit anywhere else. Photos, downloads, random text files, they are sometimes very useful. We have used robots.txt in the past, for example.

These random pages could be any file format, and thats alright! Its all accounted for.

Creating a random page

To create a random page, it should go in the random_pages directory. It can be in sub-directories, or by itself raw in the random_pages directory. Create your structure as you feel, any directories will appear in the URL so create directories at your own peril.

These pages can have any file extension. a .md or .erb file will be compiled into something roughly “shefesh website” looking, using the basic.erb layout. If you don’t know what layouts are, you can learn about them more in this guide. Any other file extensions will be displayed raw. Of course .html will display as HTML, and .pdf will be a pdf, but there will be no additional processing done to it from our end.

Viewing the page

Once youve created the page, its time to view it. The pages are written to /rp/[file_name]. If they are a .erb or .md file, they will be written to /rp/[file_name]/index.html, meaning you can access it with just /rp/[file_name]. Otherwise it will just be /rp/[file_name].[file_extension]. This file name can include directories you create, considering random_pages/ as the root directory.