GroceryTF CTF

Join us for our 2021-22 CTF - GroceryTF!

This is a Grocery Store themed Capture the Flag hacking competition, hosted online from Thursday 31st March 12:00 GMT to Saturday 2nd April 17:00 GMT.

Sign up here (open to all University students) and contact us if you have any questions.

It is free to join and will contain plenty of beginner challenges that should be easy for people who've been to our sessions this year... and plenty of trickier ones!

Prizes will include Hack the Box vouchers, Try Hack Me codes, and more to be announced!

Never played a CTF before? This guide will tell you all about them, and ours is beginner friendly!

We will also have a session on Monday 28th March for our members that will explain how to tackle a CTF - join our society if you want to attend.

Read on below for a description of the theme - and join our discord so you can receive announcements and chat with our community during the CTF.

CTF Description

After a disaster last year, the SESH Bakery has improved their security practices (slightly) and made an ambitious expansion to a full-blown grocery store - frESH Groceries!

However, they still have some leaks to plug! Their employees have bunked off the mandatory awareness training, and their web developers are still making sloppy mistakes (which will teach frESH not to use UoS Software Hut students for cheap labour...).

Can you help them identify the holes in their infrastructure and various websites to prevent a full-blown cyber attack occurring again?

There's also a side quest: the SESH committee has also made some improvements to their CTF infrastructure after their Raspberry Pi got stolen last year! Can you find your way into their CTF Management Panel again, and even discover some adjacent systems that they'd really rather not be found?